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The City of Irvine appreciates the service of the following honoree:

Wall of Recognition
Ned and Joyce Kassouf
Irvine Finance Commission
Ned and Joyce Kassouf moved to Irvine more than 40 years ago. They raised their family two boys in University Park and Turtle Rock. Mrs. Kassouf, a nurse, and Mr. Kassouf, a businessman, devoted large portions of their lives to civic affairs, including the Open Space Preservation, the defeat of the El Toro Airport, and the creation of the Orange County Great Park. The Kassoufs are well-known for their generosity in supporting individuals and organizations advancing our community. Their volunteer activities have included committing thousands of hours to making audio recordings for the blind and visually impaired. A brilliant businessman, Mr. Kassouf also served on the Irvine Finance Commission. He passed away in 2012.