| Volunteer Opportunities & Campus ClubsJoin Your Youth Action Team Club Today! ...and you can be involved in the following: Community Service and Volunteer Projects A perfect way to give back to the community and your school by participating in worthwhile activities which all can benefit. An excellent way to accrue VOLUNTEERS HOURS. On Campus Activities Plan and implement events, activities and informative assemblies for your fellow high school peers. Planning and Promoting HSYAT Activities Opportunity to assist in the planning and implementation of various activities such as…Battle of the Bands, Teen Discussion Forums, Dances, the Annual Teen Summit and much, much more. If you are interested in serving your peers, your school, and your community, join the High School Youth Action Team club for a fun and exciting time!!!
Students can join their school's YAT Club at any time throughout the year! The Youth Action Team is a great opportunity to get involved and meet new people!!!
The City of Irvine High School Youth Action Team offers numerous volunteer opportunities throughout the school year. HSYAT has volunteers projects working with children, seniors, environment, animals, people with disabilities, special events, community projects, and numerous local organizations and non-profits. Volunteering with HSYAT is an excellent way to accrue VOLUNTEER HOURS for school requirements. If you are interested in volunteering with HSYAT please contact us or join the HSYAT club at your high school: HSYAT Advisor 949-724-6643 hsyat@cityofirvine.org |  | Click on the link below to download your Parent Permission form All volunteers must complete a Parent Permission Form in order to participate in any HSYAT community service projects. One completed form is good for the whole year. Youth Action Team Participant Information/Emergency Form (PDF) | For more info about joining the HSYAT club, contact your school’s representatives or call 949-724-6739. 2013-2014 High School Youth Action Team Representatives Irvine High School Joanne Hong Ryan Quan Meetings: Alternate Tuesdays @ Lunch (HLG) Woodbridge High School Hannah O'Connor Tess Mor Jess Lesser Sean Sumitomo Meetings: Alternate Thursday @ Lunch (J114) Northwood High School Tim Shieh Nina Jang Rui Jing Jiang Meetings: Alternate Wednesdays @ Lunch (1301) University High School Lyshsae Otorola Romit Gupta Chris Sahagian Meetings: Alternate Thursdays @ Lunch (516) Beckman High School Allison Nguyen Monica Choi Justin Aminian Meetings: Alternate Wednesdays @ Lunch (126)
For information about additional non-HSYAT volunteer opportunites, click here to learn about the iVolunteer Website.
email the HSYAT advisor
email the web editor |
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