| During inclement weather, please check the field conditions website prior to use of City and School District fields. Updates will occur by 1 p.m. for high school use; by 3 p.m. for youth and adult sports. Weekend updates will be posted by 7:30 a.m. and revised throughout the day as conditions change. Click here for detailed information.
 | The summer edition of Inside Irvine is now online and arrives in homes the week of May 4! This edition features articles on the benefits of adopting a pet, pool safety and summer hikes. Additional features include a report on the Great Park, Special Olympics and the Solar Decathlon. Don’t forget to check out the hundreds of class offerings, programs and camps within the Activity Guide portion of the magazine; registration begins May 11. Click here to view Inside Irvine online or check your mailbox for a print copy.
 | The spring edition of Inside Irvine is now online and will be in homes the week of February 23! This edition features information about the Jeffrey Open Space Trail, the 3.5 mile connector for Irvine's beautiful space. There is also important information on water conservation tips as a part of our annual Earth Day feature in addition to the City's Activity Guide with hundreds of course listings. Click here to view Inside Irvine online or check your mailbox for a print copy.
 | Tax preparation services are available at no cost to taxpayers who earned less than $60,000 in 2014. Qualifying taxpayers who live, work or attend school in Irvine are eligible to receive help completing and electronically filing their tax returns through April 14, 2015. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 888-434-8248 or visit myfreetaxes.com.
 | The City Council has affirmed Irvine's long-held commitment to health, fitness, well-being, support for veterans services and the sustainability of our community. Through our webpage, residents can find more than 100 relevant categories, descriptions and links that support Irvine’s Healthy City Healthy Planet initiative. Click here for the Healthy City Healthy Planet webpage
 | The City of Irvine Animal Care Center will host the 8th annual Home for the Holidays Pet Adoption Fair on Sunday, December 7 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. More than 500 homeless animals will be available for adoption from rescue organizations and shelters including dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. The annual event features dozens of vendors, gourmet food trucks, a silent auction, low-cost micro-chipping and an opportunity drawing. Each animal available for adoption is spayed or neutered, micro-chipped and evaluated by a veterinarian. Cats and dogs are vaccinated. Admission is $1 per person. Parking is free and leashed dogs are welcome. Event proceeds benefit the Animal Care Center in its efforts to provide care and support to thousands of homeless, neglected and abused animals each year. For more information, call 949-724-7740 or visit irvineshelter.org.
 | The fall edition of Inside Irvine is available online. This issue features information about emergency preparedness, pool safety, the Irvine Global Village Festival, free community concerts and other city events. Click here to view Inside Irvine.
 | Each summer, Irvine’s Community Services Department offers a variety of camps for kids and teens to stay busy during long summer days. Activities include academics, art, theater and dance, swimming, science and nature, tennis, recreation sports and more. Summer camps are held at Irvine community parks and other local facilities.
Registration is now available. Visit irvinecamps.org or call 949-724-6610
 | Join us for the Lego Movie.
Show starts at dusk. Admission and parking is free.
 | The 13th annual Irvine Global Village Festival is taking place on Saturday, September 27 at Bill Barber Park. If you would like to be a part of Orange County's fastest growing multicultural event, visit irvinefestival.org.
The City of Irvine has partnered with the Legal Aid Society of Orange County to provide free civil legal services to qualified Irvine residents. Services include self-help clinics, workshops, online court forms, an intake hotline, preparation of legal documents and legal representation.
Irvine’s Central Bark Dog Park has been selected for “Heart Your Park,” which is part of Macy’s “Secret Garden” campaign to raise awareness and funds for more than 550 parks nationwide. From now through March 31, customers at Macy’s Irvine Spectrum can donate $1 or more at the register, with 100 percent of the donations benefitting Central Bark.
 | Mayor Steven S. Choi, Ph.D. will deliver the annual State of the City at 6 p.m. Tuesday, February 25, in the Council Chamber. This free event does not require a ticket or RSVP. The public also is invited to the 5 p.m. reception in the Civic Center lobby. The address will include major accomplishments during the past year.
 | Capture the spirit of the season at the City of Irvine’s Joyful Jingles holiday concert on Sunday, December 8, from 3-5 p.m. at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. A free, community tradition, the concert features a selection of uplifting seasonal and holiday music performed by local choral groups. Tickets will be available at the door starting at 2 p.m. with seating commencing at 2:45 p.m. Parking is $10.
 | The City of Irvine is accepting nominations through December 30, 2013 for individuals, groups, organizations and businesses to be considered for inclusion on the City of Irvine's Wall of Recognition. Adjacent to the Irvine Civic Center in Colonel Bill Barber Memorial Park, the Wall of Recognition was established in 2006 to honor those who have made significant contributions to the Irvine community.
Click here to view the nomination criteria and procedures. Completed applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on December 30, 2013. (
Application )
 | The public is invited to join the City of Irvine for a Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park. The ceremony will honor and thank America’s veterans for their commitment to service and sacrifice for our country, while highlighting local veterans, veterans’ groups and military organizations.
 | The City of Irvine, in partnership with the Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee, is holding a special toy drive to benefit the children and families of Irvine’s adopted Marine Battalion from Camp Pendleton. Help make the season brighter for a child whose mom or dad is in service to this country by donating a new, unwrapped gift suitable for infants or children through 12 years.
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center is hosting its annual Holiday Faire on Friday, November 8 from 5-9 p.m. and Saturday, November 9 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. More than 100 talented Orange County artisans will showcase a variety of unique handmade items for purchase, including holiday decorations, hand-blown glass, ceramics, jewelry, folk crafts, clothing and more.
 | The Irvine Animal Care Center Home for the Holidays pet adoption fair takes place Sunday, December 8 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. More than 500 homeless animals will be available for adoption from rescue organizations and shelters across Southern California. The annual event features vendors, gourmet food trucks, a silent auction, low-cost micro-chipping and an opportunity drawing.
 | Irvine Global Village Festival takes place Sept. 28 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Public parking is not available at the event site. Free event parking and shuttles available at Jamboree and Main parking structure and Woodbridge Community Park.
Click here for parking, shuttle and event information.
 | Rev up your engines and get ready to purr! The 2013 Certified Pre-Owned Cat Adoption Event is rolling through the Irvine Animal Care Center September 18-October 2. All makes and models discounted up to 75 percent.
 | Recruitment for Members-At-Large The City of Irvine is accepting applications to fill two volunteer member-at-large vacancies on the Irvine Sports Committee. The Committee is comprised of representatives from Irvine's youth sports organizations and provides the Community Services Commission with input and feedback on policies, programs, facilities and needs of the Irvine youth sports community. While most Committee members represent a specific program and sport, members-at-large are selected to provide general perspective and guidance.
Applicants must be Irvine residents and willing to commit to a two-year term of active service. Committee meetings are held quarterly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the Irvine Civic Center.
Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2013.
Deliver Applications to: City of Irvine Community Services - Athletics (Second Floor) 1 Civic Center Irvine, CA 92606
Mail Applications to: City of Irvine Community Services - Athletics PO Box 19575 Irvine, CA 92623-9575
For more information, contact Community Services Superintendent Ed Crofts at 949-724-6660 or ecrofts@cityofirvine.org (
Application )
 | Please join us in the reopening of the Northwood Community Center on Saturday, September 7 from 10-11:30 a.m. The new building will serve our multi-generational community and features a multipurpose, exercise and craft room plus an adjacent courtyard and patio. This public facility will also be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified by the U.S. Green Building Council for compliance with environmentally-responsible green building practices.
 | On Saturday, July 20, 10 a.m. at Woodbridge Community Park, the City will host a special Welcome and Gratitude Ceremony to commemorate 45 years of American history to include military, first responders and civilians as reflected on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Global War on Terror Wall of Remembrance.
 | The City of Irvine launched its new Irvine Gives web page at cityofirvine.org/irvinegives. Irvine Gives is a comprehensive online resource to provide the Irvine community with information about how to donate time, money or other items for causes such as animals; children, youth and family; people with disabilities; education; the environment; arts and culture; parks and recreation; public safety; seniors; and veterans and the military. Donations to these City programs can now be made online.
 | On Monday, May 27, the City of Irvine will pay tribute to fallen military service members during a Memorial Day ceremony at 10 a.m. at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park. The public is invited; veterans will be asked to stand. A separate, privately organized, public ceremony will be held the same day at 5 p.m. at the Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial at Northwood Community Park.
Recycle your aluminum, glass and plastic beverage containers in May to help one of four local non-profits in the Irvine Cans for Cash + Recycling Challenge. Cash awards to participating organizations will be distributed based on the volume of material collected. For more information, call 949-724-6156 or visit cityofirvine.us/cansforcash
 | The 23rd annual Young Masters Art Show, sponsored by Assistance League of Irvine in conjunction with the Irvine Unified School District and the City of Irvine, kicks off Saturday, May 4, with free opening-day festivities beginning at 1 p.m. at the Irvine Civic Center. Click here to view student artwork.
 | The City of Irvine will host a free "Autism Education: Understanding and Teaching the Visual Learner with Technology" forum for educators, therapists and other professionals on Thursday, May 9 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Irvine Civic Center.
The City of Irvine is accepting applications to fill two community member at-large vacancies on the Irvine Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee. Completed applications are due Monday, March 14 at 5 p.m.
Experts from the UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders will be answering questions about Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, treatment, prevention, care and research at Ask the Doc, an open forum, February 15, 1-3 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center.
 | The 26th annual Irvine Junior Games, a track and field event for 4th - 8th grade IUSD students will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2013 from 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Irvine Junior Games raise funds for before and after-school child care that is provided on all 22 IUSD elementary schools. Athlete pre-registration is required. For further information and to sign up online go to irvinejuniorgames.com.
 | Mayor-elect Steven S. Choi, Ph.D., Councilmember-elect Beth Krom and Councilmember-elect Christina Shea will be sworn in during a special City Council ceremony on December 11 at the Irvine Civic Center. The public is invited to a 5 p.m. reception, followed by the swearing-in at 6 p.m. No RSVP is required. For more information: 949-724-6205.
 | The Irvine Meals on Wheels program is hosting a holiday fundraising campaign through the end of 2012 to help provide hot, nutritious meals to Irvine’s homebound seniors and disabled individuals. More than 80 percent of Irvine Meals on Wheels clients live at or below the poverty level, and rely on the home-delivered meal program to meet their basic food needs.
 | The City of Irvine, in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, is hosting a “Healthy Food Drive” from December 1, 2012 through January 15, 2013 to help families and seniors in need this holiday season. Collected items will benefit eight of Irvine’s food pantry distribution programs. Donation barrels are available at various City facilities and faith-based organizations from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Click here for a complete list of drop-off locations and addresses.
 | Hurricane Sandy is a reminder that disasters can strike at any time. To help residents stay connected to the City of Irvine for important information and updates during a disaster, please try the following communication methods: iAlert, 1640AM, City of Irvine website, social media, and ICTV Cox Channel 30. In addition to staying connected, it is important for residents to be prepared at home and work. Below is a starter emergency preparedness checklist. Customize your checklist to meet your family's individual needs.
 | The City of Irvine's annual Global Village Festival is Saturday, September 29, from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. at Bill Barber Park. Public parking will not be available at the event site; please see the link, below, for details. The festival features international cuisine, live entertainment, a Kids Village with crafts and activities, cultural and religious exhibits and an international marketplace. Visit irvinefestival.org for more information.
 | Free informational workshops designed to help individuals and families gain a better understanding of their health care options, how to access available health services and programs, and their rights as health care consumers. A question and answer period will immediately follow at the end of each session.
 | Registration for Learn to Swim sessions 11, 12 & 13 (September-November) will begin at 9 p.m. on Sunday, August 19 for Irvine residents. Make sure you have your Client ID's and Family Pins to sign up at irvinequickreg.org.
 | Did you know the Inside Irvine is mailed out quarterly to 90,000 Irvine Residents. This is a great opportunity to promote your business to an affluent, educated community that values quality goods and services. The next edition will be mailed November 12. The deadline to place your ad is September 15. Click here for the rate card. Contact Dave Neustaedter to reserve your spot; email dneustaedter@cityofirvine.org or call 949-724-6663.
The City of Irvine provides opportunities for residents to recognize friends and family through placement of plaques on seating areas in Col. Bill Barber Park.
 | The Master Plan for Adventure Playground will be presented at the Community Services Commission on Wednesday, June 6.
The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located in the City Council Chambers at the Irvine Civic Center.
After June 1, visit the Adventure Playground website to see the illustrative of the plan and the steps taken to get this far. (
For more information, click here )
 | Free! Sizzlin Summer Sunday Concert
Sunday, July 29, August 5, 12 & 19. Woodbridge Community Park, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Join us for four Sundays of music, friends and fun in the park.
 | The Irvine Animal Care Center will host the sixth annual Orange County Super Pet Adoption event on Sunday, June 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 6443 Oak Canyon Road, Irvine.
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center will host the 18th annual Studio Arts Festival on Saturday, June 2 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The juried Festival will showcase more than 100 Southern California artists and their original works of art, including ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, painting, photography, textiles and glass.
 | The City of Irvine is hosting a community forum on May 23 from 6-9 p.m. at the Irvine Civic Center to provide parents with information about basic support, experiences and conditions that all young people need to help them be healthy, successful, principled and caring.
 | In recognition of Irvine's high quality playgrounds, parks and recreation services, the City has received a 2012 "Playful City USA" designation. (
Click here for the full press release )
Sponsored by Families Forward, the Resource Fair is an easy way for families and individuals to connect with local service agencies that provide assistance with free health screenings, career, legal, medical, financial, and housing consultations.
 | The City of Irvine is hosting several public meetings to gather community input regarding the City's Strategic Plan for Children, Youth and Families. Input is needed to identify continuing and emerging areas of need, and to gather ideas for strategies to address those needs. The next meeting takes place April 2 from 6-8 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center.
Community Meetings Flier )
Help the Junior Youth Action Team collect white packaging styrofoam to be recycled into Surfboards. Drop your clean styrofoam off at a local park between March 1-31. (
View PDF )
 | The City of Irvine Fine Arts Center is hosting a public open house on Saturday, February 11 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Featuring artist demonstrations, facility tours, and a curator-led visit to the Center's current exhibition, the open house is a perfect occasion for visitors to become acquainted with the Center’s dynamic visual arts programs.
 | The Irvine Animal Care Center is sponsoring "Home for the Holidays," a pet adoption fair on Saturday, December 3 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. More than 400 homeless animals will be available for adoption from private rescue organizations and shelters across Southern California.
 | Gift Certificates for classes and activities are now available! Allow your loved one to choose from hundreds of activities.
 | The City of Irvine works with The Irvine Ranch Conservancy to provide programs and access to Irvine's open space. Registration is required for most activities. Visit http://www.irlandmarks.org/activities/default.aspx for a complete listing of upcoming opportunities.
Taking place on October 22 from 9 a.m.-noon at the Lakeview Senior Center, the Expo features more than 70 exhibitors and includes free flu shots for adults age 50 and older.
 | Bullying can happen anywhere: face-to-face, by text messages or on the web. It is not limited by age, gender, or education level. Find out what you can do to prevent and stop bullying by attending the City of Irvine's bullying prevention forum on Monday, October 24 from 6-9 p.m.
Express your appreciation to our returning 2/11 Marines by providing them with a “welcome home” package. The Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee is accepting donations through September 22. (
Welcome Home Packages Flier )
The City of Irvine is seeking volunteers to fill two child care provider and two government, civic, or community agency vacancies on the Irvine Child Care Committee. Application deadline is September 29. (
Application )
 | The City of Irvine is accepting applications for two Member-At-Large positions on the Irvine Senior Citizens Council. Application deadline is September 22.
 | On Sunday, August 14, the City of Irvine will host the final installment in the Sizzlin’ Summer Concert Series, featuring the Proud Mary Band, a Tina Turner tribute band, at Woodbridge Community Park at 6 p.m. A variety of gourmet food trucks will be on site, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Irvine 2/11 Adoption Committee to support local Marines and their families. Guests are encouraged to bring low-back chairs, blankets and warm clothing. Picnic dinners are welcomed.
For more information, call 949-724-6606.
 | Target Symphony in the Cities, featuring the Pacific Symphony Orchestra and led by Musical Director Carl St. Clair, is coming to Woodbridge Community Park in Irvine on Sunday, July 31. A Musical Playground for children begins at 5:30 p.m. and includes making an instrument, playing a drum, meeting a musician, plus a conducting clinic with Maestro St. Clair. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Several gourmet food trucks will be on site, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Irvine Public Schools Foundation and their efforts to bring music back to Irvine schools. Guests are encouraged to bring low-back chairs, blankets and warm clothing. Picnic dinners are welcomed. For more information, call 949-724-6606 or visit cityofirvine.org.
 | Irvine Police Department will be on hand, along with the Orange County Fire Authority, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. August 2 at Brywood School and The Quail Hill Village Center. Come meet officers during National Night Out, learn about specialized vehicles and equipment, and play games and do crafts with the whole family.
Free event; no RSVP required.
Info: 949-724-7193. Click here to view the flier. (
Click here to view the flier. )
 | This Saturday, grab your lawn chairs and dancing shoes and come on down to Woodbridge Community Park for a fun-filled evening, as we celebrate Irvine’s 40th Anniversary with the Gregg Young and the 2nd Street Band, performing your favorite tunes of the last four decades. The City is partnering with the Woodbridge Village Association to kick off the summer series. Bring low-back chairs, blankets and picnic dinners or enjoy several gourmet food trucks that will be onsite. A portion of the proceeds from the food trucks will go to several Irvine nonprofit organizations. This is a free concert and all ages welcome! For more information call 949-724-6606.
See what is happening in Irvine this summer! Watch this video that features great summer camps, programs and activities for all ages.
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center will host the 17th annual Studio Arts Festival on Saturday, June 4 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The Festival will showcase more than 100 local artists and more than 1,000 original works of art spanning across a variety of mediums including ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, painting, photography, textiles and glass.
The Festival will also feature live music, food, art demonstrations, and the "crowd favorite" - ice cream sundaes sold in handmade ceramic collector bowls. Admission and parking are free. Event proceeds benefit special projects and programs sponsored by the Irvine Fine Arts Center.
The Irvine Fine Arts Center is located at 14321 Yale Avenue, Irvine. For more information, visit irvinefinearts.org or call 949-724-6880.
 | The City of Irvine, together with Active Ride Shop, is hosting a free Youth Skate Jam and Kings of Harvard Skate Contest on Friday, April 1 from 4-8 p.m. at Harvard Skate Park in Irvine. Pre-registration is encouraged.
 | The City of Irvine is accepting applications for two community member at-large vacancies on the Irvine Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee. Deadline to apply is March 14.
 | The application period to fill two member-at-large positions on the Green Ribbon Environmental Committee has been extended to Tuesday, March 1.
 | The City of Irvine, in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, will host a "Healthy Food Drive" from December 1 through January 15, to help feed families and seniors in need. Collected items will benefit eight of Irvine's food pantry distribution programs.
 | The City of Irvine and Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial, Inc. recently dedicated the Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial. For a slide show and more information, click on the link, below. The Memorial represents every fallen service member in Afghanistan and Iraq for their sacrifice in service to our country.
Special Northwood Memorial page
 | The City of Irvine is hosting a senior Healthy Living Expo on Tuesday, November 23 from 9 a.m. – noon at the Lakeview Senior Center. The Expo includes demonstrations, health-related screenings, product sampling and free flu shots, for adults age 50 and older.
 | Help make the holidays brighter for a child whose mother or father is serving our country by donating a new, unwrapped gift suitable for infants or children through 12 years. Toy collection containers will be available at the Orange County Great Park Visitors Center and the Irvine Civic Center through Dec. 9.
 | Thursday, October 28, 6-9 p.m. Friday, October 29, 6-10 p.m.
Admission: $2 per walk through (ages 10+) Game room for kids under 10.
Location: Heritage Park Community Center 14301 Yale, Irvine (
Event Flier )
 | The City's two senior centers, Lakeview and Rancho, will serve as cooling centers as the region's temperatures crest over the next few days.
 | Make plans to travel the world at the City of Irvine's Global Village Festival on Oct. 2 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Bill Barber Park. Celebrate Irvine's vibrant and diverse community through music, dance, cultural displays, entertainment.
 | Grab your walking shoes and your canine companion for the Irvine Animal Care Center’s Pet Trek fundraiser on September 25 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at Woodbridge Community Park.
 | Tuesday, September 14, 5:30 p.m. at Lamppost Pizza Bring your aluminum cans to be entered into a raffle to win some fun prizes. Proceeds will benefit the Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee. No discounts or special accepted. Event flier
 | Irvine residents, schools and businesses are encouraged to participate by collecting aluminum cans for the national Cans for Cash Recycling Challenge from October 1-29.
Free admission for youth 14 and under to the USA Swimming National Championships. Bring the attached voucher to William Woollett Jr. Aquatics Center. Must arrive by 8:30 a.m. to redeem the ticket.
 | Saturday, July 31, 10-11:30 a.m. 1 Beech Tree Lane 949-724-6815 Please join us in celebrating the grand reopening of University Community Park.
 | In a continued effort to increase quality and efficiency, Inside Irvine now includes both the Activity Guide and ArtBeat publications. Beginning the week of August 9, residents will find Irvine programs, activities and news in one easy-to-use, full-color, quarterly publication. Look for it in your mailbox, on our website or at City facilities. (
View PDF )
 | Looking for the perfect location for a special occasion? The City of Irvine is accepting applications for all facilities for January 1 through December 31, 2011. (
Public Opening Day Letter )
 | The City of Irvine's Community Services Department is offering programs for children grades K-8th on the four IUSD furlough days, November 12, 22, 23 & 24. Click on the flier for more information.
Register at www.IrvineQuickReg.org
Activities Flier )
 | Saturday, May 15 at Heritage Community Park. Bring the family and join your friends and neighbors to watch a movie in the park. Bring lawn chairs, blankets and a picnic or money for the snack bar. Featured movie is"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs". Free event. Show starts at dusk. Call 949-724-6840 for more information. Heritage Community Park is located at Walnut & Yale Avenues.
View PDF )
 | Registration is now open for spring classes (April-June). The City offers a variety of great classes and activities to choose from, including spring break camps. For more information, go to IrvineQuickReg.org.
Registration for Summer Camps is NOW available. (
View PDF )
 | Door-to-Door Census Takers - Census Takers will begin going door-to-door beginning May 1 to households that did not return a questionnaire. Click here for more information.
 | Children ages 10 and up are encouraged to come out and play! At various locations throughout the City, recreation staff provide supervision and lead activities. Click here for more information.
 | Help make the season brighter for a child whose mom or dad is deployed by donating a new, unwrapped gift suitable for children ages 3-12. Donations are being accepted through December 4.
 | Saturday, October 17, 9am-noon. Climb aboard a deluxe motor coach for an insider's tour of Irvine's points of interest. Tour begins at Irvine City Hall where you will meet the Mayor and then depart for the OC Great Park where you will be treated to a presentation and balloon ride (weather permitting), the Katie Wheeler library, an architectural tour of UCI campus and the new Irvine Business Complex.
 | Residents are urged to recycle aluminum cans during October as part of the national Cans for Cash City Recycling Challenge. Deposit aluminum cans in curbside recycling containers, take them to a drop-off site, or to the buyback center at 16122 Construction Circle East. To view the video and to vote, click here.
Click Here for more information )
 | FREE! Chillax @ iStock Concert Featuring: Melanoid, Polaris at Noon, The Impulse
Woodbridge Community Park Sunday, August 23 at 5:30 pm
iStock is a community concert highlighting three amazing bands from Irvine. It is no surprise that Irvine's got talent and this concert will showcase some of the best bands around.
Special thank you to KUCI for their support and promotion of iStock.
For further information please call (949) 724-6606
 | The Irvine 2/11 Adoption Committee welcomes the Irvine community to support the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division (2/11) from Camp Pendleton, which our City adopted this past September.
 | The City of Irvine is seeking individuals interested in enriching the lives of older adults by volunteering to become a Community Helper Assisting Mature Persons in Our Neighborhood (CHAMPION). CHAMPION volunteers work in partnership with each other to provide assistance to Irvine's more isolated seniors, helping to enrich their lives and reconnect them to the community. (
View PDF )
 | The City of Irvine is accepting applications to fill two child care provider and two government, civic, or community agency vacancies on the Irvine Child Care Committee. Completed applications must be received by the Community Services Department by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 30. (
View PDF )
 | The City of Irvine's Middle School Program is proud to announce its Annual Summer Teen Camp Program for all graduating 6, 7 and 8th grade students.
 | The City of Irvine is holding a special Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 25 from 10-11:30 a.m. at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park, to commemorate the men and women who have given their lives in defense of our nation and the ideals we cherish. Join us in memorializing their noble sacrifice by honoring a family member or friend who has died in the line of duty by writing down a brief remembrance to be posted on a memory board at the event.
 | As summer approaches, the City of Irvine is teaming up with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to offer a free Pool Safety class on Wednesday, May 20 from 7-8 p.m. at the OCFA Headquarters Facility in Irvine. (
Pool Safety Flyer )
 | The City of Irvine and Irvine Chamber of Commerce have partnered to offer a free Business Workshop for Professionals, 3:30-8 p.m. April 29 at Lakeview Senior Center. The drop-in event will help residents redefine their job skills, plan for a new business, develop a business website, or sharpen interview techniques and resume writing. Members of the Chamber and the Orange County One-Stop Center will be available on a variety of subjects. Information: (949) 724-6077. Registration is not required.
Topics include: Setting up a Business Website; Break Through Marketing; Orange County One-Stop Center; Institute for Women Entrepreneurs; Social Networking; Marketing Your New Business; Business Coaching; Home-Based Business; Vocational Training & Education; Human Resources; How to Plan your Budget in a Down Economy; Insurance; City of Irvine Business License; Finding a Business Partner; Setting Up Your Own Business
 | The City of Irvine's Sounds of Spring concert series continues on Sunday, March 22, showcasing the musical talents of Stars of Tomorrow. Admission is free; however seating is limited. Concerts begin at 4 p.m.
 | Join us as we turn back time and celebrate the 70's and 80's at Heritage Park!
 | Help keep Irvine Graffiti Free. Click here for information on where to call to report graffiti.
 | Lend your support to the the Irvine Animal Care Center by attending a special fundraising performace of "Comedy Pet Theatre" at the Irvine Barclay Theatre on Sunday, January 18.
 | The City of Irvine is currently accepting applications to fill four community representative (two youth and two adult) vacancies on the Irvine Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee. (
Application )
 | The City of Irvine is trying to help families start the new year off in a healthy way by collecting 2,009 food items for local food pantry programs. Now through December 31, donations can dropped off at any city facility between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. (
Food Drive Flyer )
 | The goal of I-CHP is to promote the health and wellness of the community by ensuring all Irvine children have access to affordable health services. (
View PDF )
 | The City of Irvine salutes our nation's military service members, both active duty and veterans, for their dediction, courage, accomplishments and sacrifices to protect our everyday freedoms. Please join us for a special Veterans Day ceremony on Tuesday, November 11 from 10-11:30 a.m. at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Park as we honor and pay tribute to these brave men and women.
 | Help bring cheer to the families of deployed service members this holiday season by purchasing a raffle ticket to win a beautiful, handmade quilt. Sponsored by Irvine’s 2/11 Adoption Committee, the Americana "Fourth of July" Quilt Raffle, is being held to raise money to host a holiday party for family members of 2/11 personnel currently serving in Iraq. (
Fourth of July Quilt )
 | Grab your friends and come to Heritage Park Community Center for Band Aide, Friday, October 10th from 7-11:30pm. Sponsored by the City of Irvine High School Youth Action Team.
 | Join Irvine City Manager Sean Joyce on Thursday, October 23 from 7-8 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center, located at 20 Lake Road, for an informative community presentation focusing on valuable City services, programs and resources available to Irvine residents.
 | The City of Irvine is proud to host the Irvine Global Village Festival on Saturday, October 4 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Bill Barber Park in Irvine. Now in its sixth year, this multifaceted festival features international cuisine, live entertainment, children’s activities, cultural exhibits and demonstrations, and a world marketplace. One of the City’s most popular events, the festival is a wonderful opportunity for people to experience and share the cultural traditions of their friends and neighbors.
 | The Irvine Child Care Project (ICCP) is currently seeking community members interested in serving on its Program Assessment and Review Committee (PARC). PARC members work to ensure that Irvine’s school-aged children receive quality before and after school care by monitoring the curriculum of licensed nonprofit agencies operating on all 22 IUDS elementary school campuses.
 | The City of Irvine Senior Services, in partnership with the Orange County One-Stop Centers and the Employment Development Department, presents "Soaring to New Heights," a Senior Job Fair on Saturday, September 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center.
 | Join tennis star Michael Chang at the City of Irvine's Twilight at the Net tennis event on Tuesday, September 16 from 5-9 p.m. at Bill Barber Park. Sponsored by the City of Irvine, Twilight at the Net is for adults interested in learning to play tennis or returning players looking to improve their skills. (
Twilight at the Net Flyer )
 | Learn more about financial literacy.
 | The City of Irvine is currently accepting applications to fill two parent representative vacancies on the Irvine Child Care Committee. Completed applications must be received by the Community Services Department by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 30.
 | Calling all kids ages 6-13! Sign up now for the City of Irvine's "Got Mud? Youth Fitness Challenge" on Saturday, August 23 at University Community Park. Come test your limits on our 3/4 mile obstacle course ending with a trip through the famous Adventure Playground mucky mud pit.
 | Enjoy and evening of theatre under the stars as Shakespeare in the Park returns to Irvine with a free performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on Sunday, July 20. Pre-show activities begin at 6:30 p.m. with the feature presentation starting at 7 p.m. Admission is free.
 | The City of Irvine’s 8th annual summer concert series is underway featuring SPRINGSTEEN! The Premier Tribute to the Boss. Springsteen will take you back in time to 1975, just after the release of Bruce's breakthrough album, "Born to Run".
 | The City of Irvine is hosting its Second Annual Youth Skate Jam on Saturday, August 16 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Harvard Skate Park. Co-sponsored by Active, this free family event features an informal skateboarding clinic with local pros, exhibitions from amateur and pro skateboarding teams, giveaways from top skateboarding companies, a bounce house and slide, food and autograph sessions.
 | Due to the possibility of inclement weather, Kids on the Green will be held INDOORS at the Irvine Civic Center in Council Chamber. The City of Irvine is proud to present Kids on the Green, a series of children’s theatrical productions designed to engage and enrich young minds. Suitable for the entire family, the live shows provide a fresh interpretation of classic and original children’s literature and folk tales.
 | Pledge to ride your bike to work at least once during the week of May 12-16, and you will be automatically entered to win one of many great prizes. Plus, when you leave your car at home and ride your bike, you’ll be burning calories instead of fossil fuel. It’s a great way to keep fit and help improve our air quality.
For more information or to download a pledge form, visit http://www.octa.net/btw08.aspx
 | The City of Irvine will celebrate 20 years of protecting and preserving Irvine’s open space at Bommer Canyon Cattle Camp on Saturday, June 7, 2008 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The milestone 1988 Open Space Initiative preserves Irvine’s natural splendor through the protection of parks, trails and wilderness areas. This free, public event will include entertainment, barbeque, nature hikes, and exhibits.
 | Join the American Cancer Society’s fight to end cancer by participating in the 8th annual Relay for Life of Irvine on June 7 and 8 at Irvine Valley College.
 | Join the Irvine Animal Care Center for a special open house on Saturday, May 10 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The open house features pet-related vendors, a silent auction, pet toy sale, food, raffle and a chance to leave your "mark" at the Center by purchasing and designing a commemorative tile to be displayed in the shelter’s front office.
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center is pleased to host the Art of Ink in America, Hangeul Calligraphy Splendor, and the Art of Seal Carving Exhibitions.
RECEPTION: February 29, 2008 from 5:30 to 7:30pm EXHIBITION RUNS: February 29 to March 29
 | Stop by the shelter on March 1st to meet Louie & Gussie, two great dogs looking for their furr-ever home.
 | Come out swinging at the City of Irvine’s Tennis Festival on Saturday, February 23 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Heritage Park. Designed to expose new and seasoned players to the health and social benefits of tennis, the Festival is free of charge and open to all ages and abilities.
The High School Youth Action Team will host a Battle of the Bands on Friday, February 8th from 7pm-11:30pm @ Heritage Park Community Center.
 | Congratulations Irvine! The U.S. Conference of Mayors has announced that the City of Irvine is a winner in the 2007 Cans for Cash: City Recycling Challenge. Irvine took home the "Most Innovative" award and a $5,000 cash prize. Award proceeds will benefit the Irvine Public School Foundation and its commitment to expand on recycling programs for all Irvine schools.
 | The City of Irvine Child Care Committe, UCI Child Care Services and Mariners Church Preschool are pleased to present the 2nd Annual Speaker's Event.
 | The City of Irvine would like to thank the community for their cooperation and support during the recent fires. If you have any questions regarding Emergency Preparedness please contact the Irvine Police Department Emergency Management Unit at (949) 724-7235. Do you want to volunteer or donate? PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR UPDATED INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN HELP!
 | This includes Boo Bash, all Outdoor Classes & Lessons, Sports Leagues, Park Amenities (Skate Park, Adventure Playground, Aquatics Complex and Athletic Fields.)
Please check the website, with City Staff or Instructors for information regarding make ups or credits.
Additionally, all City of Irvine and School District Athletic Fields and Skate Park will be closed. Call the MUDD line at 949-724-6833 for updates.
The SOLD OUT Pumpkin', Pickin' & Carvin' Event originally scheduled at Bommer Canyon, will be moved indoors to Las Lomas Community Park located at 10 Federation Way.
The Youth Job Fair at the Lakeview Senior Center will still occur since the event will be held indoors. For up to date information, visit www.irvinequickreg.org Updated Friday, October 26, 1pm
 | Join us for dinner at Chipotle in Irvine Spectrum on Thursday, October 11th from 5:30-8:30pm.
*100% of the proceeds will go to benefit the the Irvine Animal Care Center.
Click here for more information! )
 | Adopt your new best friend at the Irvine Animal Care Center at a discounted price!
 | Calling all animal lovers. Grab your walking shoes and your canine companion for the Irvine Animal Care Center’s (IACC) Sixth Annual Pet Trek on Saturday, October 13 from 8 a.m. - noon at Heritage Park in Irvine. This might be the biggest and best walk you and your pet take all year. Event proceeds benefit Irvine's homeless animals. (
Registration Form )
 | The City of Irvine is currently accepting applications to fill two Member-At-Large positions on the Irvine Senior Citizens Council. The Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Irvine City Council in establishing policy on all matters pertaining to the special interests and concerns of older adults and advises in the planning of facilities, transportation, services and programs for the senior community. Completed applications must be received by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, October 24, 2007. (
Application Packet )
 | Disabilities Services Presents Boomers Blowout Blast!
Sunday October 28th, 5-8pm at Boomers! Irvine Have a blast with activities that tickle everyone’s fancy. Price includes admission. McDonald’s is on site for food purchase. Ages 13+

 | Art Forum IRVINE FINE ARTS CENTER October 11, 2007 6:30pm FREE
Painter Tom Brown will discuss his work, currently on view in the Irvine Fine Arts Center’s gallery exhibition, Unexpected Vistas of Irvine.
 | Disabilities Services Presents Monster Bash 2007! Friday October 26th, 7-9pm at Lakeview Senior Center
No registration is required, $3 at the door. Ages 16+
 | Disabilities Services Presents Kingpin Bowling League! Sunday October 14th,12-2pm at Irvine Lanes
 | Disabilities Services Presents Movie Matinee Lunch Bunch! Saturday October 6th 11:30am-3pm Registration is required at least one week in advance.
 | Opening Reception: Friday, September 14, 5:30 to 8pm Exhibition runs: Sept 14-Oct 27, 2007 Irvine Fine Arts Center presents, The Unexpected Vistas of Irvine, by Irvine artist Tom Brown and While Waiting, by Irvine photographer Frank Cancian.
 | Disabilities Services Presents Harvest Dance 2007! Friday September 28th 7-9pm at Lakeview Senior Center No registration is required, $3 at the door.
 | Disabilities Services Presents Dance-Abilities! Thursdays Sept.20th-Oct.25th, 3-3:45pm at Las Lomas Community Park Space is limited!
 | The City of Irvine is committed to making Irvine a safe place to live. This includes taking necessary precautions for disasters. During the month of September, in concurrence with National Preparedness Month, the City of Irvine will provide information on how you can better prepare yourself and your family for an emergency.
 | The City of Irvine will formally adopt the Marines and Sailors of 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division (2/11) based at Camp Pendleton during a ceremony and reception on Saturday, September 15 at 10:30 a.m. at the Irvine Civic Center. Come out and support our troops as we welcome our new extended family. (
Event Invitation )
 | "Learn to Ride" is the theme for the City of Irvine's first ever Youth Skate Jam on Saturday, August 18 from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at Harvard Skate Park.
 | The City of Irvine is continuing its Northern Area Senior Facilities Study Project with a third and final community workshop on Thursday, August 30 from 9:30 a.m.-noon at Woodbury Community Center, located at 130 Sanctuary, Irvine. (
Workshop Flyer )
 | "Breaking Barriers, Changing Perceptions," is the theme for the eighth annual Jack Williams Memorial Golf Tournament, taking place on Monday, July 30 at the Strawberry Farms Golf Club in Irvine.
 | Join us on August 12th for a day of fun and to support animal adoptions in Orange County! (
View PDF )
 | Are you interested in participating in Pet Trek as a vendor or sponsor?
 | To celebrate the dedication of 202 acres of open space and the official opening of the Quail Hill Trailhead and Quail Hill Loop Trail, the City of Irvine, Irvine Ranch Land Reserve Trust and The Irvine Company are hosting an Open Space Celebration on Saturday, June 9 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Quail Hill Trailhead.
 | The City of Irvine Animal Care Center (IACC) celebrates 25 years of providing Irvine’s homeless pet population with shelter, love and a future, on Saturday, May 12, with a party and adoption event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
 | One of the Irvine Fine Center’s free monthly events, the Art Forum provides an opportunity to experience art sharing, technique demonstrations, and art lectures. May 10, 2007 6:30pm Free Admission
 | City of Irvine Senior Services section is working with Friends of Outreach to host a fundraiser bazaar benfiting respite homecare services for homebound seniors, on Saturday, May 5 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center.
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center is pleased to announce the exhibitions, Art Lab 101, High School Art Exhibtion and Art off the Wall, 3-dimensional Exhibition.
Exhibition: April 20-May 25, 2007
 | Foster Care Training will be held on Wednesday, April 18th from 7-8pm at the shelter.
 | The City of Irvine announces the re-opening of the Racquet Club Park playground following a rehabilitation project to modernize the play equipment and improve access for persons with disabilities. The playground re-opens Wednesday, March 21 with an official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony from 3-4 p.m.
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center presents Figuratively Speaking, a group show featuring figurative drawings, paintings, and sculptures from several local artists beginning February 25 through March 31 at the Fine Arts Center Gallery. (
Event Flyer )
 | Help the Animal Care Center celebrate the coming of spring with adopting an adult cat. The shelter will be sending cats 1 year and older home at the special adoption price of just $65.00! Our great adoption package just got better!
 | Join us on February 10th from 8am-4pm at Bark Park to buy your dog a toy AND support the shelter while doing so!! (
View PDF )
 | The Irvine Fine Arts Center presents "Mongolia - Land of Lands," a photographic exhibition featuring photographers from the Visual Worship Institute January 19 through February 17 in the Fine Arts Gallery. The exhibit also includes a selection of Asian brush paintings from students of the Korean Fine Arts Club.
Open to all Volunteers, Staff, and Community
 | On December 7 and 8, the City of Irvine will culminate its 35th anniversary celebration with “35 Hours of Giving,” an event that embraces the holiday spirit. From 8 a.m. on December 7 to 7 p.m. December 8, residents and businesses are encouraged to drop off new household items to furnish seven homes for Families Forward, a local non-profit organization that provides Orange County families with housing, food and more. Throughout the two-day event there will be children’s activities, presentations and, of course, birthday cake! For details, visit www.cityofirvine.org/35th
 | Capture Your Pet in Photo Form this Holiday Season at the Irvine Animal Care Center’s (IACC) “Holiday Pet Photo Shoot” on Saturday, November 18 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Irvine Central Bark, located on Oak Canyon, one driveway from the IACC. (
View PDF )
 | Irvine Child Care Committee with UCI Child Care Services and Mariners Preschool Present The Power of Play An Evening with Dr. David Elkind Thursday, November 2 (
Please click here for more details )
 | The 2006 Target Symphony in the Cities Concert Series returns to Irvine Heritage Park on Sunday, July 30 at 6 p.m. Part of a four-part concert series sponsored by Target, the free concert features light pop and classical tunes, patriotic music, and guest artists, plus a pre-concert "musical playground" for children.
 | Pack a picnic lunch and join us at one of Irvine's beautiful city parks on Tuesday, July 4 from 10:00am to 2:00pm to step back to a time when family, friends, lemonade and three legged races were what this holiday was all about!
 | Don't miss the High School Youth Action Team's “Best Of” Battle of the Bands, with four high school bands competing for the first place prize of a professional recording session at Sonikwire Studios in Irvine.
 | Join a panel of immigration specialists in a teen oriented discussion addressing current immigration issues such as the history of immigration, employment, education, current immigration debates, laws and policy reform, and resources.
 | Kick off the weekend as you listen to some good ol' live music on the Heritage Park green! This special LIVE performance will consist of City of Irvine employees performing all the great rock songs of the past 35 years. We're even firing up the BBQ for 35 cent hot dogs!
 | The Rose Garden Café will be hosting a Memorial Day Picnic on Lakeview Senior Center’s patio on Friday, May 26 from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm. Join us as we honor all veterans. Suggested donation of $3.00 for seniors and $4.00 cost for non-seniors. For more information, call (949) 724-6900. Visit www.IrvineSeniors.org for more information on the City of Irvine's Senior Services programs.
 | Spend the morning playing tennis with Chris where you work on conditioning, drills, instruction and match play. Then join the aquatics staff learning underwater hockey, inner tube water polo, basic swimming instruction and much more! Ages 7-13.
 | The City of Irvine is currently accepting applications to fill four vacancies on the Irvine Residents with Disabilities Advisory Board (IRDAB). The 16-member Board is comprised of residents with disabilities, professionals who work in the field of disability services, and residents of Irvine who have a family member with a disability.
 | FOR Families supports the well-being of community members by assisting with needed services and resources. Read the latest newsletter, Childhood Obesity: Prevention Tips for Parents, and learn more at www.IrvineFORFamilies.org.
 | Celebrate Irvine’s 35th birthday and be a part of Passport 35. Grab your Passport 35 at one of our local community parks and start recording your 35 meaningful minutes today.
 | Volunteers needed! Irvine Ranch Land Reserve Trust is hosting a habitat restoration project in Irvine’s Open Space Preserve South to help with the planting of coastal sage scrub in areas recently disturbed during trail repair.
 | Explore Hicks Canyon with a walk or hike through the beautiful protected wilderness area. (
Download map (PDF) )
 | Enjoy music and dancing at the Valentine Dance, just one of the monthly social and recreational activities for persons with disabilities hosted by the Office of Disability Services!
 | Now accepting applications! The City of Irvine gives special recognition to companies that have integrated family friendly programs into their business operations. Tell us what distinguishes your company as Family Friendly! (
Download the FFBA application (PDF) )
 | Celebrate the month of February with tea and company sponsored by the National Charity League Irvine Class of 2011. Come and enjoy sandwiches, sweets, tea, and surprise entertainment Saturday, February 4 from noon-1:30 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center. There is no cost to attend, however seating is limited. For more information, call (949) 724-6903 or (949) 724-6912. Visit www.IrvineSeniors.org for more about the City of Irvine's Senior Services.
 | The Child Resource Center is setting up a Computer Lab! Donate a computer and help parents, teachers, students, and child care providers expand their knowledge, gain ideas for children's activities, and enhance their creativity.
 | If you're "motivated by treats," have we got the event for you! Our team of volunteer bakers will create all kinds of goodies... and every penny of your purchase directly benefits our shelter pets!
 | Help shape the future of child care in Irvine by becoming part of the city’s Child Care Committee. The primary function of the Irvine Child Care Committee is to serve as a resource and to make recommendations to the Community Services Commission for City Council on child care issues. (
Application (PDF) )
 | Enjoy music and dancing at the Holiday Dance, just one of the monthly social and recreational activities for persons with disabilities hosted by the Office of Disability Services!
 | Help Friends of Outreach deliver holiday cheer to Irvine’s homebound older adults by donating favors, small gifts or special greetings to be used in its annual Holiday Gift Bag program.
 | Calling all volunteers for a habitat restoration project in Bommer Canyon. Help with the planting of costal sage scrub in areas recently disturbed during trail repair.
 | Plans are underway for the groundbreaking and opening of the Orange County Great Park. Representatives from the City of Irvine will discuss possible designs, funding, museums, and recreation, and are eager to hear your suggestions for the design and details of the park.
 | Diabetes has reached epidemic levels in the United States. If you area senior with Type II Diabetes and have questions regarding proper dietary guidelines, you won’t want to miss this informative presentation.
 | Rabies vaccinations will be available for the low price of $5.00 at the Irvine Animal Care Center on Wednesday, November 16, 5-7pm. Dog licenses (new and renewal) will also be available. Leashed dogs and cats in carriers are welcome. No reservation is required! Visit www.IrvineShelter.org or call (949) 724-7740 for more information.
 | If you've been waiting for an opportunity to explore beautiful Bommer Canyon, this is your chance to enjoy a day of hiking, biking, crafts, and fun!
 | Don't miss the Halloween Dance, just one of the monthly social and recreational activities for persons with disabilities hosted by the Office of Disability Services!
 | What should you do if you find a baby bird? Are coyotes a danger to house pets? What should you do if a raccoon moves into your attic? The Irvine Animal Care Center is here to help provide answers to these and other wildlife-related questions.
 | You are invited to attend this incredible art exhibition and reception where you can meet the artists and enjoy a wonderful array of hors d'oeuvres. Stop by with friends and family on Sunday, October 9, 4-6pm.
 | Presale tickets are now available for Rio de Irvine – Masquerade Madness on September 24, a casino night fundraiser to benefit the Lakeview Senior Center Computer Lab.
 | You are invited to attend this incredible art exhibition and reception. Meet the artists and enjoy a wonderful array of Japanese hors d'oeuvres. Stop by with friends and family Saturday, September 10, from 6 to 8pm.
 | Buy a 2006 Orange County Ultimate Entertainment Book for just $35 (that’s $5 less than the cover price) and 20% of your purchase price will go directly to the pets at the Irvine Animal Care Center. Click here for secure online ordering.
 | The Disability-Friendly Business Award was created to acknowledge Irvine-based businesses that have instituted and promoted best practices toward the employment of and service to persons with disabilities. Now accepting award nominations! Visit www.IrvineDisabilityServices.org for more info.
 | The results of the Irvine Senior Citizens' Council Election are as follows: Nancy Cheng 417 Massy Alavi 229 Homer Guimond 111
 | The Duel in the Pool will match international swimming powers Team USA and Team Australia for a one day event at the William Woollett Jr Aquatics Center in Irvine.
 | The City of Irvine will be host to a very exciting international softball game match... 2004 Olympic Gold Medal Winner Team USA vs 2004 Olympic Silver Medal Winner Team Australia
 | The Dog Owners' Roundtable is an opportunity for dog owners to ask questions, discuss behavioral challenges, and share ideas with Peter Gonzalez and Lynn Pearson of the Human-Canine Connection, an Irvine-based dog training school.
 | Join us for a “good old fashioned” barbecue featuring lunch, entertainment, raffle prizes and dessert. Tickets available at the Rancho and Lakeview Senior Center front desks. For more information, call (949) 724-6900.
 | Don't miss The Edge of Air: An Exhibition of Photographs of the Final Days of the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. An artist reception is being held Sunday, June 12, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Irvine Fine Arts Center. The exhibition will run through July 16, admission and parking are free.
 | RELAY FOR LIFE May 21-22 Irvine Valley College Join YAT's Relay For Life Team!!! Click here for more information. Help Support the Fight Against Cancer For More Info: (949) 724-6739
 | Spend FUN, exciting, quality family time together as you learn the classic steps of swing dancing. This night will be filled with great music, food and dancing for all levels and ages. Come dressed in your hippest swing attire to complete the nights swingin’ atmosphere.
 | Friends and family are invited to meet the artist and enjoy refreshments at the Irvine Fine Arts Center for the closing reception of Roger Armstrong's exhibition, Works from the 1940's to Present.
 | Don't forget to come to the Irvine Fine Arts Center opening this Sunday, March 6th from 4-6 pm! Bring friends and family to meet famous Orange County artists Roger Armstrong and Natasha Shoro and enjoy refreshments at this free art reception!
 | Music of Love, a day filled with music, food and fun, is being held Sunday, February 27, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Irvine Civic Center. This free, multicultural event will support Tsunami victims in South and Southeast Asia.
 | The Fine Arts Center is proud to be a satellite location to display artwork created for the Butterfly Initiative. Butterfly sculptures created by talented artists will be on display at IFAC through March 3rd, and will then be auctioned at a special event on March 4th at Roger’s Gardens in Newport Beach.
 | This first edition of the City of Irvine's Open Space newsletter highlights the many programs offered in the Open Space Preserve as well as showcases the amazing efforts of community volunteers at Bommer Canyon and the Nature Center. (
The Bommer Buzz (PDF) )
 | Don't miss the Irvine Fine Arts Center's Family Arts Day, an exciting annual event where families celebrate the spirit of community by participating in hand-on art workshops.
 | Don't miss this wonderful trip with the Irvine Senior Travelers, the trip you've been waiting for!
 | There is an error on the Sample and Absentee Ballots for the November 2, 2004 election for the "Office of Irvine City Council." Instructions incorrectly tell voters to "vote for no more than two (2)" candidates. The correct instructions are to cast "No more than three (3)" votes for the "Office of Irvine City Council."
 | Don't miss the 24th Annual Youth Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament, to be held on Sunday, October 17th, at Hicks Canyon, Harvard, Barber, Alton, Heritage, and Windrow Parks.
 | July 8 - 11, 2004
 | The Grand Opening celebration includes dedication ceremonies, families activities, hot dogs and an evening lounge chair movie.
 | This FREE event is sponsored by the City of Irvine Cultural Arts and Activities Program. Refreshments & snacks served at 2:30pm, performance starts at 3pm at the Irvine Civic Center. Call (949) 724-5366 for more information.
 | An interactive teen forum focusing on acceptance
 | The City of Irvine is pleased to present the Fifth Annual Jack Williams Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds from this tournament will benefit recreation programs for persons with disabilities.
 | The Irvine Multicultural Association, in cooperation With the City of Irvine, Cross Cultural Services, presents the second in our continuing series... “Your Rights as an Immigrant” Lakeview Senior Center, 20 Lake Road, Irvine Saturday, May 8, 2004 (
Click here for Schedule of Events )
 | No-Ruz, Iran's New Day or New Year, is a celebration of the spring equinox, a joyous time marking the end of cold winter winds and intense summer heat - signaling the beginning of spring.
 | Shopping never looked so good. On Thursday, April 1, Browse through the best names in designer fashions, home furnishings, footwear, jewelry, toys and accessories, while surrounded by spectacular fountains and gorgeous palm trees and a soothing ocean breeze. Lunch on your own before boarding the bus for a short ride to the Carlsbad Flower Fields where you will experience breathtaking scenery, vibrant flowers and unique horticultural wonders.
 | Irvine City Manager Allison Hart will present an overview of the proposed development of the Orange County Great Park during a special meeting of the Irvine Senior Citizens Council on Thursday, March 18, 9am. at the Lakeview Senior Center.
 | You and your family are cordially invited for a festive afternoon of holiday cheer at the Irvine Civic Center, which will include a magical mix of sweet treats to eat and chorale music performances.
 | Help select a name for the Jeffrey Open Space Spine, a five-mile nature corridor linking the area’s northern foothills to the Pacific Ocean.
On-line advisory vote through December 5.
Click here or call (949) 724-6667 for more information.
 | Join us at the Irvine Open Space Preserve Volunteer Open House to explore volunteer opportunities available with the Irvine Open Space Preserve.
 | the City of Irvine in association with The Korean American Coalition of Orange County is pleased to invite you to attend a screening on Tuesday, November 4, 2003 of "The Korean American Journey" written and produced by Tom Coffman. (
View Invitation )
 | United Nations Association Presents Third Annual International Film Festival - Human Rights 2003 Two days of international cinema dealing with issues of human rights. (
Film Descriptions & Program )
 | Your season's over with drugs! Do you know everything there is to know about performance enhancing supplements and drugs?
 | The Bunny Bunch will hold a Rabbit Information and Adoption Day at the Irvine Animal Care Center on Saturday, October 25, from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm.
 | An educational forum for parents of children, infant through age five, to raise awareness of the importance of early childhood development and to present existing programs and assistance in the City of Irvine. (
View event flyer )
 | The exhibition will feature paintings by artists who have lost the use of their hands and who paint with the brush held in their mouth or between their toes. Free admission. (
View Exhibition Flyer (PDF) )
 | Come see what we have to offer at the Child Resource Center. Join us for refreshments, free craft lessons and door prizes at the Second Annual Open House. Thursday, October 9, 5-7pm, at the Child Resource Center, 14321 Yale Ave. (
CRC Newsletter )
 | Please join us for an evening of fun on Saturday, September 20!
6:00 pm-- Bring your family picnic basket, enjoy games and activities and Community Information Booths
6:30 pm-- Playground Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Lounge Chair Theatre following
 | The Irvine Animal Care Center and the Irvine Pet Partnership present the second annual Pet Trek on Saturday, September 13, 2003! Last year's Pet Trek raised $17,000 for Irvine's homeless animals, and we're hoping to top that this year. It's easy to participate!
 | The City of Irvine Senior Services Department and Friends of Outreach present its fourth annual bazaar fundraiser Saturday, August 9 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Lakeview Senior Center. The bazaar, featuring a “Summer Boutique” theme, will include merchandise from more than 20 select vendors offering a wide array of handcrafted and home décor items.
 | Join animal behaviorists in a free question-and-answer session for dog owners dealing with housebreaking, chewing, barking, etc.
 | On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, Mayor Agran will present the Citizen of the Year Award at the Irvine Chamber’s Annual Membership Breakfast being held at the Hyatt Regency Irvine from 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. The cost to attend the breakfast is $45 for members and $55 for non-members.
 | On Sunday, March 30, 2003, members of the Persian community and their guests will gather at William R. Mason Regional Park, located in the city of Irvine to celebrate the Iranian New Year “Sizdeh Bedar.”
 | As part of the “Orange County Reads One Book” program, The City of Irvine will host an informal book discussion on Wednesday, April 9, from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Irvine Civic Center (1 Civic Center Plaza).