|  |  | 14341 Yale Avenue Heritage Park, Irvine Regular Hours: Monday - Thursday noon - 8:00 p.m. Phone: 949-724-6721 The CRC is a membership based lending library for families and early childhood education professionals. Come in and take a tour! |   To search* the catalogue of over 3,000 items, please click here. *Search by subject, title or author. Educational toys are searchable by title, subject area or age group including: Toddler toy, preschool toy or school age toy. For detailed search instructions, please click here. | Membership Membership is required to check out resources or use equipment at the CRC. To become a member, visit the CRC, take a tour, complete a membership application and agreement and submit with payment. Group memberships are available to agencies with multiple staff members approved to use the CRC. Annual membership rates listed below. | Membership Type | Irvine Residents | Non-Irvine Residents | Individual | $25 | $30 | Student | $22 | $27 | Small School (3-9 Staff) | $75 | $80 | Medium School (10-20 Staff) | $100 | $105 | Large School (30+ Staff) | $125 | $130 |
For more information about the Child Resource Center, please click here Email the Web Editor |
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