 | The Child Care Coordination Office provides a variety of services to support individuals and businesses interested in opening a child care business in the City of Irvine. Opening a Family Child Care Home Family Child Care is provided in an individual's home in a small group setting. Opening a Child Care Center Child care centers, nursery schools, parent cooperatives and preschools are center based programs that care for children in groups of twelve or more. Child Resource Center (CRC) Resources and materials on facility development and design, program administration, curriculum design and the business of family child care. Training and Events A list of workshops and events for early care & education professionals is provided to enhance the quality of child care in Irvine and to support child care facility development and small business operations. Early Care and Education Professionals To continue to grow your business and as a professional educator, access the variety of services provided by the Child Care Coordination Office. |
Click here for additional resources for individuals interested in opening a child care business.
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