| | Social Emotional Development Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)- Promotes the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. Information for families on understanding your child’s behavior and supporting your child’s development. Resources for early childhood professionals include: scripted stories for social situations, tools for working on building relationships, “Book Nook” extension activities and resources for teaching social and emotional skills. | Literacy Readwritethink.com (International Reading Association) – Age-appropriate book suggestions, rainy day activities, and information for parents and after school educators. Reading is Fundamental – Resources for families and educators include: articles on literacy and development, suggested reading lists, lesson plans, activities, author and illustrator question and answer chats and interactive games for children. Reading Rockets - A national multimedia project offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help. Jumpstart – Literacy resources for families include: favorite books and reading tips, family resource book, ideas for story time, and “Playdate with a Purpose” (presented by Parents Magazine), downloadable guide based on a carefully selected children’s books. Plan a literacy playdate today! Center for Early Literacy Learning - Activities especially for parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. These practices show you how everyday home and community activities encourage infants to listen, talk, and learn the building blocks for early literacy. Practice guide activities include: storytelling, listening, scribbling, drawing, rhymes, sound awareness, vocalizing, singing, gestures and signing. | Science Center of Science and Industry (COSI) – Instructions for interactive science experiments. Exploratorium- The Exploratorium in San Francisco is a museum of science, art and human perception. At the Exploratorium website, visitors can engage in science activities that are miniature versions of the museum's exhibits. Subject categories include chemistry, color, electricity, heat, light, math, sound and waves. Science Bob.com – Instructions and videos for interactive science experiments, science fair ideas, and links to many science sites. Zoom.com (By PBS Kids Go!) – Instructions for interactive science experiments. | Math Mixing in Math (Funded in part by the National Science Foundation) – A bank of resources that add math to out-of-school time for ages 3-12. | Nutrition/Physical Fitness Fruits & Veggies: More Matters Health Initiative - Offers expert cooking advice, nutrition information and shopping tips. The Children’s Companion Site, Foodchamps.org offers games, activities and recipes. Health and Nutrition for Kids - Resources for kids, parents and teachers including recipes, games, music, activity sheets, lesson plans and more. PE Central: The Premier Site for Health and Physical Education - Provides the latest information about contemporary physical education programs for children and youth. Resources on the site include health and physical education lesson ideas, ready-to-print assessments, adapted physical education information, classroom management techniques, and information about best practices in physical education and programs designed to motivate children and help them improve their motor skills and understanding of the importance of physical fitness. Deliciously Healthy Family Meals - Free online cookbook offering more than 40 kid-tested recipes featuring a variety of healthy entrees, side dishes, and snacks that parents and children can prepare and enjoy together. Also includes time-saving tips and helpful resources for busy families. Keep the Beat-Deliciously Healthy Eating - Healthy recipes, nutrition guidelines for children, tips for getting children involved in the kitchen and much more! | After-School Resources California After School Resource Center (CASRC)- Provides access to a comprehensive set of reviewed materials, resources, trainings, tools, and supportive services for after school programs. Browse through the resources and register online to borrow materials from the library, with free delivery in California. ReadWriteThink- The International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English have created a Web site dedicated to promoting activities and books that encourage children to read. Resources for after-school professionals are categorized by grade. The resources are then grouped by activities and projects; games and tools; tips and how to's; printouts; and podcasts. Healthy Kids Hub- Focuses on universal nutrition and physical activity principles (Drink Right, Move More, Snack Smart) to promote a healthy lifestyle for children. Includes evidence-based recommendations for caregivers to implement. | Parenting/Grandparenting/Child Development/Curriculum Planning Born Learning.org – Provides information on how children learn, and easy ways to turn everyday activities into fun, meaningful learning moments. Child Care Exchange – Free e-newsletter which provides a short digest on tope issues in early education, subscribe to the professional magazine, order publications, or explore a number of free trainings and publications that can be downloaded. Dads Adventure – Designed specifically for dads by dads, the website provides articles, videos and the e-magazine “Dads Adventure” offering helpful information on becoming a dad, taking care of baby, finances and many other topics. The website also features “Ask a Dad”, submit your question to be answered by one of more than 300 veteran fathers who facilitate Boot Camp workshops for new dads. Doing What Works: Research-Based Education Practices Online (Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education)- Online library of resources that may help teachers, schools, districts, states and technical assistance providers implement research-based instructional practice. Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center – Information and resources for families including: everyday parenting, growing up and learning games & activities, and information and resources for professionals (assessment, planning & curriculum, and individualizing instruction). Grandparents.com – Wide variety of resources including activities, expert advice, city guides, and gift reviews. Healthy Children.org (Brought to you by the American Academy of Pediatrics) – Information on ages and stages of child development (birth through young adult), healthy living, safety and prevention, family life and health issues. The Imagination Tree – Numerous easy-to-do activities to support all areas of development from birth through early elementary years Parent Further - The website provides practical, everyday parenting tips and helpful advice such as: teaching children positive values, setting clear boundaries and enforcing reasonable consequences, finding the support and knowledge you need to help your children grow up successfully, and focusing on the things that matter most to your family. NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children is the leading membership association for those working with and on behalf of children from birth through age 8. The “Families Today” page features articles on various parenting topics such as reading to children, television’s impact on young children and family concerns like divorce, challenging behavior, etc. Scholastic’s Parent and Child Magazine.com – Parenting advice, articles on children’s development, activity ideas, and free newsletter just right for you and your children ages preschool through middle school Sesame Workshop.org – Information, activities and downloadable/printable materials to support children’s development in the areas of the workshops’ 4 initiatives: Health and Wellness, Respect and Understanding, Literacy and Numeracy, and Emotional Wellbeing. Also includes link to children’s interactive website featuring educational games and videos. Zero to Three: From Baby to Big Kid Newsletter - Showcases how children learn and grow each month from birth to 3 years. From Baby to Big Kid translates the science of early childhood and offers strategies parents can tailor to their unique family situation and to the needs of their child. | California Infant/Toddler and Preschool Learning and Development Resources Guidelines for Early Learning in Child Care Home Settings - California Department of Education. The Guidelines focus on the special role you play as a family child care provider in educating the children you serve, and offers guidance to help create a positive, nurturing environment for the children in your care. The Guidelines will help you strengthen relationships with the children and families you serve, develop a home-based curriculum that will enhance children’s learning and development across domains, and ensure your home is both a caring and learning environment. California Infant/Toddler Learning Foundations (Published by the California Department of Education) - Presents 28 foundations in four domains that describe the competencies that infants and toddlers typically attain in the first three years of life. The descriptions of competencies are enriched with examples of typical behaviors at each age level in each of the four domains as well as behaviors leading up to attainment of those competencies. This publication is a counterpart to the preschool learning foundations and is a companion to the Infant/Toddler Learning & Development Program Guidelines. California Preschool Learning Foundations: Volume 1 (Published by the California Department of Education) - Describe the knowledge, skills, and competencies that children typically attain at around 48 and 60 months of age when they participate in a high-quality preschool program and with adequate support. They also help to inform practitioners about children’s academic and social development so that decisions can be made to support children’s curriculum and growth. California Preschool Learning Foundations: Volume 2 the foundations are at the heart of the CDE's approach to promoting preschool learning. This book was developed to ensure school readiness for all children, including those with disabilities and those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Volume 2 focuses on the domains of the visual and performing arts, physical development, and health. A summary list of the foundations is included at the back California Preschool Learning Foundations: Volume 3 establishes research-based foundations for the domains of history-social science and science. Like volumes 1 and 2, it provides examples under each foundation to describe the various ways in which a child might demonstrate skills and knowledge, whether in a home language or using alternative modes of communication. Instructional strategies provide ideas for how a preschool program can support children's learning. Appendix A provides an overview of the alignment of the preschool foundations with key early education resources, such as the Common Core State Standards. Appendix B displays all the history-social science and science foundations. California Preschool Curriculum Framework: Volume 1 (Published by the California Department of Education) - Created as a companion to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 1, this framework presents strategies and information to enrich learning and development opportunities for all of California’s preschool children. California Preschool Curriculum Framework: Volume 2 focuses on the learning domains of visual and performing arts, physical development, and health. The framework takes an integrated approach to early learning and describes how curriculum planning considers the connections between different domains. Strategies are described for planning the curriculum, the preschool environment, and teacher interactions with children so that learning is maximized. The curriculum framework is designed to be a companion to the "California Preschool Learning Foundations." California Preschool Curriculum Framework: Volume 3 focuses on two learning domains: history-social science and science. It includes guiding principles, curriculum strategies, and ideas to support the learning and development of preschool children. Strategies for teaching children who are English learners are included. Instructional Guide for the California Preschool Learning Foundations: Volume 1 - Includes suggested activities and resources for use by faculty in community college and university courses in California. California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan: This plan lays out a direction for California in the development of high-quality birth-to-five long-term success. It suggests changes to make California's early learning system more coherent and effective. The first few years of life are critical to long-term brain development, and early experiences are essential to successful long-term academic and social outcomes. | Websites for Children Between the Lions: Get Wild About Reading (PBS) – Interactive website featuring educational games, stories and video clips for children and tips, information and resources for families. Food Champs (Fruits and Veggies More Matters Campaign) – Interactive website for children featuring games and activities focused on nutrition and physical fitness. PBS Kids – Interactive website featuring educational games and videos. Sesame Street Workshop – Interactive website featuring educational games, videos, playlists (a carefully selected collection of games and videos with content grouped around an educational theme, different every day!) for children and information, printables and resources for families. Let Me Know: Life Online (by Girlscouts and Windows) - Interactive website for teens provides the know-how to safely navigate the web and help parents understand it. http://www.wegivebooks.org/ - We Give Books provides access to children’s books to read online. View on the computer is the actual two page spread of the children’s book. | Email the Web Editor |