| Purchasing | Purchasing services in the City of Irvine are provided through the City’s Administrative Services Department, Fiscal Services Division, Purchasing section. The Purchasing section’s goal is to ensure the acquisition of quality goods and services at the best value to the City. The section also oversees the competitive bidding process and supplier selection for all City departments. Contracts management services are also provided. Supplier Registration and Bid Opportunities To ensure an open, fair and competitive supplier selection process, the online supplier registration program has been developed. This system allows firms to register for consideration for future Invitations for Bids (IFB) or Requests for Proposals (RFP) opportunities. By registering on the online system, your firm will be notified via email of bidding and proposal opportunities. While some of the City of Irvine’s bidding and proposal opportunities may not be posted on the website, the online supplier database may still be used to notify you of IFBs and RFPs via other methods such as email. You may register your firm or check for current bid and RFP opportunities by clicking here. Local Vendor Preference The City has adopted a “Local Vendor Preference” program, whereby Irvine firms are afforded a 5% ($2,000 maximum) preference when bidding on equipment and supplies for the City, for determining the lowest bidder. For Local Vendor Preference program info, please click here. Living Wage Ordinance The City adopted a “Living Wage” Ordinance in 2007, intended to improve the lives of citizens of Irvine. Firms providing services to the City with a 12 month aggregate value of $100,000 or greater must comply with the Ordinance. For Living Wage Ordinance information, please click here. Prevailing Wage Requirements The City of Irvine is subject to prevailing wage requirements for public works projects and maintenance and repair work exceeding $1,000. For information about the City’s prevailing wage requirements, please click here. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) The City has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program which generally applies to projects with federal funding. If the DBE requirements apply, they will be included in the bid specifications. Along with the DBE program, the City supports other Small Business Enterprise (SBA) firms. For Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) program resources, please click here. Doing Business with the City of Irvine Guide A guide was created to assist firms with doing business with the City of Irvine, including contact info, insurance requirements, where to send invoices electronically, and other useful information. For the Doing Business with the City of Irvine guide, please click here. Business Outreach Programs Outreach programs for Irvine businesses have included presentations about doing business with the City of Irvine and other local entities. To view these presentations, please click here. Debarred Contractor List Debarred contractors are prohibited from bidding on City contracts or performing work as a subcontractor. For a list of Debarred Contractors, please click here. If you have any questions, please send via email to: purchasing@cityofirvine.org | | |
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