| The History of the Irvine Police Department (Page 13) |  | As the Department continues to move forward in the twenty-first century, the City continues to expand. The annexation of the former El Toro Marine Base, as well as land in the "Northern Sphere" has created a city of almost 79 square miles, the largest land mass city in Orange County and third most populated city behind Santa Ana and Anaheim. As the City continues to grow, the outstanding men and women of the Irvine Police Department are prepared to grow and adapt with it. As the short history of the Department shows, the Irvine Police Department is constantly adapting to meet the challenges of policing a growing, progressive population. | | Irvine recorded the lowest violent crime rate per capita in the nation for the tenth consecutive year, based on data released by the FBI in 2014 related to 2013 crime statistics. | |  | | |  Back to Page 12 |  Next Page | Adapted: Irvine Police Association |
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