| City Council Agendas
Click on the image above to view the current agenda for the upcoming City Council meeting and the Agenda Archives (All documents in PDF Format) Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, One Civic Center Plaza. Study Sessions or Closed Sessions are held periodically and may begin prior to the start of the regular meeting. Please check the individual agendas.
Speaking at Public Meetings: If you would like to address the City Council on a scheduled agenda item, please complete the SPEAKER'S CARD. The card is available at the meeting from the City Clerk. Please identify on the card your name, address and the item on which you would like to address. Return the card to the City Clerk. The SPEAKER'S CARD assists the Mayor in ensuring that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized. Your name will be called at the time the matter is heard by the Council. Guidelines for the Submittal of Information by members of the Public for Dissemination at Public Meetings. Public Comment: Any member of the public may address the City Council on items within the Council's subject matter jurisdiction but which are not listed on this agenda during public comments. However, no action may be taken on matters that are not part of the posted agenda. Public comments are scheduled for 30 minutes and are limited to three minutes per person. If you wish to speak, complete a speaker’s card and submit to the City Clerk. Public Hearings: Public Hearings are scheduled for a time certain of 4:00 p.m. (unless noticed otherwise) or as soon thereafter as possible. Those wishing to address the City Council during the Public Hearing must complete the speaker's card and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the hearing. If, in the future, you wish to challenge in court any of the matters on an agenda for which a public hearing is to be conducted, you may be limited to raising only those issues which you (or someone else) raised orally at the public hearing or in written correspondence received by the City at or before the hearing. Any person seeking to challenge a City Council decision made as a result of a proceeding in which by law a hearing is required to be given, evidence is required to be taken, and the discretion in the determination of facts is vested in the City Council, shall be required to commence that action 90 days following the date on which the decision becomes final as provided in Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. Please refer to Code of Civil Procedure 1094.6 to determine how to calculate when a decision becomes “final.” Notice: Public Hearings listed for continuance will be continued as noted and posting of the agenda serves as notice of continuation. Any matter not noted for continuance, will be posted separately. Staff Reports: As a general rule, staff reports or other written documentation have been prepared or organized with respect to each item of business listed on the agenda. Copies of these materials are on file with the City Clerk and are available for public inspection and copying once the agenda is publicly posted, (at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting). If you have any questions regarding any item of business on an agenda, or any of the staff reports or other documentation relating to any agenda item, please contact City Clerk staff at (949) 724-6205. Staff reports are also available by accessing the agenda and clicking on the item of interest. Any supplemental writings or documents submitted to the City Council or Redevelopment Agency after the posting of the agenda will be available for public review in the City Clerk's Office, located at One Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, California 92606. In addition, such writings or documents will be made available for public review at the respective public meeting. Americans with Disabilities Act: It is the intention of the City of Irvine to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the City of Irvine will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Sharie Apodaca, City Clerk, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible. Please advise us at the time if you will need accommodations to attend or participate in meetings on a regular basis. |
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